Religion was useful for progress in the old days when people lived horribly. Now, however, I think religion has outlived its usefulness. It also depends on how you define religion. If you define religion as a system of beliefs pertaining to God and worship, then it has outlived its usefulness. If you define religion as just a way of life i.e. a collection of principles and following them for civilized progressive life, then it is still useful. But notice that this does not require the concept of God. The concept of God probably came about to attribute mystical phenomenons to in the ancient days. Now, we have better explanations to these phenomenons by science. Science is slowly but surely progressing towards answering more and more unexplained phenomenons. The "ways of life" derived from science are now more accurate than the ancient "ways of life" based on "Gods". The basic idea behind both is the same i.e. ways of life help us being more civilized & progressive.