Sunday, August 9, 2009

This is Top Class Music!

Listening to these new songs that I got recently, I couldn't appreciate them enough so here's a blog entry and their links.

1) Shaastra Night Theme - Chaitanya
Guess what? This is a composition of a student of IIT Chennai for their technical event Shaastra. I got to listen in during their Shaastra 09 publicity in my college, loved it and got the song.
Great fusion song - Violin, tabla, guitar, chorus
You wont get this anywhere except from IIT chennair students and me :)

2) Violin of death - SFA (from the game Granado Espada)
The music is just like its name.
Violin + Mute guitar + light percussion
I still have to listen to all 123 OSTs from this game. There r probably more like this.
